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Partner with us


“All things come from You, O God, and of Your own do we give You.”

1 Chronicles 29:1

As a church we long to see lives transformed by Jesus in Cutteslowe. This is only possible through prayer – as we partner with God in carefully stewarding the many resources that He has given His church through His people. It is through the generosity of people in our church and the wider community that we can see the vision for Cutteslowe Connected Church and the Community Larder achieved.


There are multiple ways to give to the work we do in Cutteslowe both through Cutteslowe Connected Church and the Community Larder.


Money donated to the church will be used to support staff who help lead and facilitate the ministry and mission of CCC as well as paying for building hire and resources to support our work in Cutteslowe.


Money donated to the Community Larder are administered through the church, but all money donated to the larder remains ringfenced for the work of the Community Larder and combating hardship in the Cutteslowe community. 

You can also give by bank transfer to:


St Andrew's Parochial Church Council

Sort code: 20-65-18

Account Number: 80828831

Reference: CCC

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“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”

 2 Corinthians 8:9

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